Salary in the Royal Air Force (RAF) is made up of three parts – core salary (which is based on rank) plus the supplement or step rate, plus the X-Factor.
On this page, you can find pay charts for all RAF ranks and for each step within that rank. Click on the links below to scroll to a specific section.
RAF pay rise 2023
In July 2023, the Government announced a 2023/24 pay rise for members of the RAF (and the rest of the armed forces) of 5%. In addition, all full-time UK Regular personnel will receive a £1,000 increase in basic salary.
This approach means that personnel receive an overall increase in 2023 of between 5.8% (one star officers) and 9.7% (most junior ranks).
How is pay set in the RAF
The Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB) reviews pay across the British Armed Forces. A range of organisations, including the Ministry of Defence, provide evidence and, each year the AFPRB produces a report with its recommendations for pay increases.
The Ministry of Defence reviews the report and takes the final decision on what pay rise should be given each year. It doesn’t have to accept the AFPRB’s recommendation, but it usually does.
The process is similar for all major groups working in the British Public Sector.
RAF X-Factor
The pay tables below all include additional X-Factor payments.
X-Factor payments exist to ensure that pay in the armed forces is comparable to pay for civilians working in the public sector. They are reviewed every five years, and are currently set at 14.5% on top of basic (core) pay for full time personnel.
X-Factor payments are pensionable.
RAF Pay Steps / Supplements
Every member of the Other Ranks in the RAF is placed into one of four trade supplement groups (also known as Steps). The value of these steps is paid in addition to core pay.
Steps are calculated based on scoring of evidence from Job Evaluations.
Step payments are, like X-Factor payments, pensionable.
Air Recruit (OR-1)
New RAF recruits receive this salary while they are in basic training.
You can read more about RAF training on the Royal Air Force website.
Level | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
OR-1 | £18,687 | £18,687 | £18,687 | £18,687 |
Air Specialist (OR-2 & OR-3)
Air specialist is the lowest post-training rank in the Royal Air Force.
The rank of Air Specialist was introduced by the RAF in 2022, replacing the Aircraftsman ranks. The changes are as follows:
- Leading Aircraftman became Air Specialist (class 2)
- Senior Aircraftman became Air specialist (Class 1)
- Senior Aircraftman Technican becam Air specialist (Class 1) Technician
There are ten level in this grouping, split across both OR-2 and OR-3.
Level | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
OR-3-3 | £33,596 | £34,497 | £35,203 | £35,870 |
OR-2-9 / OR-3-2 | £32,148 | £32,965 | £33,589 | £34,166 |
OR-2-8 / OR-3-1 | £30,769 | £31,460 | £32,055 | £32,596 |
OR-2-7 | £29,473 | £30,039 | £30,633 | £31,012 |
OR-2-6 | £28,213 | £28,605 | £29,095 | £29,459 |
OR-2-5 | £27,227 | £27,245 | £27,636 | £28,000 |
OR-2-4 | £25,937 | £26,228 | £26,530 | £26,530 |
OR-2-3 | £24,400 | £24,400 | £24,400 | £24,400 |
OR-2-2 | £24,400 | £24,400 | £24,400 | £24,400 |
OR-2-1 | £23,496 | £23,496 | £23,496 | £23,496 |
Corporal (OR-4)
A Corporal is the lowest NCO rank in the RAF. Promotion to Corporal usually comes after several years of military service.
There are six levels of pay for Corporals.
Level | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
OR-4-6 | £38,190 | £39,439 | £41,062 | £42,260 |
OR-4-5 | £37,668 | £38,918 | £40,348 | £41,451 |
OR-4-4 | £37,174 | £38,407 | £39,537 | £40,504 |
OR-4-3 | £36,646 | £37,677 | £38,689 | £39,599 |
OR-4-2 | £35,718 | £36,728 | £37,711 | £38,622 |
OR-4-1 | £35,718 | £36,728 | £37,711 | £38,622 |
Sergeant (OR5 / OR6)
Sergeant’s are non-commissioned officers. Usually they have at least ten years of experience in lower ranks of the Royal Air Force
Once appointed, Sergeants can progress up through six levels of pay.
Level | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
OR-6-6 | £44,091 | £45,905 | £47,480 | £49,330 |
OR-6-5 | £43,060 | £44,793 | £46,319 | £48,091 |
OR-6-4 | £42,039 | £43,563 | £45,215 | £46,897 |
OR-6-3 | £41,031 | £42,443 | £44,155 | £45,718 |
OR-6-2 | £40,058 | £41,374 | £43,080 | £44,462 |
OR-6-1 | £40,058 | £41,374 | £43,080 | £44,462 |
Flight Sergeant / Chief Technician (OR-7)
A Sergeant can be promoted to become a Flight Sergeant or Chief Technician.
Flight Sergeants in the RAF are equivalent to Staff Sergeants in the British Army and Chief Petty Officers in the Royal Navy. The role was first introduced into the Royal Flying Corps in 1912.
Chief Technicians are an equivalent role open to aviators who work in technical trades (others in non-technical trades can be promoted to Flight Sergeant. Musicians in the RAF can also be Chief Technicians.
Level | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
OR-8-6 | £52,520 | £54,153 | £55,296 | £56,858 |
OR-8-5 | £51,656 | £53,471 | £54,973 | £56,536 |
OR-8-4 | £50,812 | £52,767 | £54,631 | £56,193 |
OR-8-3 | £49,843 | £52,059 | £54,249 | £55,784 |
OR-8-2 | £48,819 | £51,035 | £53,498 | £55,210 |
OR-8-1 | £48,819 | £51,035 | £53,498 | £55,210 |
OR-7-6 | £47,792 | £49,748 | £52,055 | £53,734 |
OR-7-5 | £47,068 | £49,025 | £51,050 | £52,919 |
OR-7-4 | £46,375 | £48,332 | £50,176 | £52,045 |
OR-7-3 | £45,658 | £47,614 | £49,326 | £51,196 |
OR-7-2 | £44,966 | £46,815 | £48,477 | £50,393 |
OR-7-1 | £44,966 | £46,815 | £48,477 | £50,393 |
Warrant Officer
Warrant Officers are the most senior non-commissioned role in the Royal Air Force.
Warrant Officers hold a senior management role. They are often responsible for training, welfare and discipline of around 120 men and for acting as senior advisors to commissioned officers. They can also take on more specialised roles.
Level | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
OR-9-6 | £58,559 | £58,559 | £58,559 | £60,111 |
OR-9-5 | £57,976 | £57,976 | £57,976 | £59,586 |
OR-9-4 | £57,340 | £57,340 | £57,340 | £59,028 |
OR-9-3 | £56,703 | £56,703 | £56,703 | £58,477 |
OR-9-2 | £56,383 | £56,383 | £56,383 | £57,989 |
OR-9-1 | £56,383 | £56,383 | £56,383 | £57,989 |
Flight Cadet (OF-0)
Flight Cadets in the Royal Air Force are those undertaking their initial training. Pay for Flight Cadets is on a three point scale.
Level | Salary |
OF-0-3 | £23,924 |
OF-0-2 | £21,778 |
OF-0-1 | £18,555 |
Pilot Officer / Flying Officer (OF-1)
Both Pilot Officers and Flying Officers are on the OF-1 level of the RAF pay scale.
Pilot Officers rank slightly below Flying Officers (a rough equivalent is the First and Second Lieutenant distinction in the British Army). This means that Pilot Officer is the lowest commissioned officer role in the RAF, and Flight Officer the second lowest rank.
Just because they are named Pilot Officer or Flying Officer does not automatically mean that the officer is a pilot or flies. The ranks also apply to ground based roles.
Level | Salary |
OF-1-5 | £41,262 |
OF-1-4 | £39,982 |
OF-1-3 | £38,704 |
OF-1-2 | £37,425 |
OF-1-1 | £31,305 |
Flight Lieutenant (OF-2)
Flight Lieutenant is a management role, and is the highest of the junior commissioned officer roles in the RAF.
The designation of ‘flight’ does not imply service in the air – the rank applies to ground based personnel equally. RAF flight lieutenants can be in charge of ground based teams of up to 50 personnel.
Promotion to flight lieutenant is guaranteed for all more junior officers in the RAF provided they do not end their service and that they have the appropriate training.
A flight lieutenant is the same rank as a Captain in the British Army and a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy.
Level | Salary |
OF-2-8 | £56,512 |
OF-2-7 | £55,040 |
OF-2-6 | £53,568 |
OF-2-5 | £52,096 |
OF-2-4 | £50,624 |
OF-2-3 | £49,152 |
OF-2-2 | £47,680 |
OF-2-1 | £47,680 |
Squadron Leader (OF-3)
A Squadron Leaders in the RAF usually command a flight within a flying squadron, although sometimes they command smaller squadrons in their entirety.
The role of commanding a full squadron used to be carried out by a Squadron Leader, but today they are usually commanded by Wing Commanders.
Squadron Leaders are the most junior of the three senior commissioned officer roles in the RAF.
Level | Salary |
OF-3-13 | £78,749 |
OF-3-12 | £77,225 |
OF-3-11 | £75,730 |
OF-3-10 | £74,265 |
OF-3-9 | £72,828 |
OF-3-8 | £71,420 |
OF-3-7 | £69,483 |
OF-3-6 | £67,547 |
OF-3-5 | £65,610 |
OF-3-4 | £63,673 |
OF-3-3 | £61,736 |
OF-3-2 | £59,799 |
OF-3-1 | £59,799 |
Wing Commander (OF-4)
A Wing Commander commands flying squadrons within the RAF. They can also command ground based wings.
Historically, as the name suggests, a Wing Commander would command a flying wing.
There are eight levels in the Wing Commander pay scale, from OF4-1 to OF4-8.
Level | Salary |
OF-4-8 | £96,556 |
OF-4-7 | £94,385 |
OF-4-6 | £92,212 |
OF-4-5 | £90,040 |
OF-4-4 | £87,868 |
OF-4-3 | £85,703 |
OF-4-2 | £83,524 |
OF-4-1 | £83,524 |
Group Captain (OF-5)
An RAF Group Captain usually commands either an RAF flying station or a large ground based station. It is the highest of the senior commissioned officer ranks, sitting below Air Commodore, the most junior of the Flag Commissioned Officer ranks.
As with Wing Commanders, there are eight levels of pay for Colonels.
Level | Salary |
OF-5-8 | £110,905 |
OF-5-7 | £109,251 |
OF-5-6 | £107,596 |
OF-5-5 | £105,942 |
OF-5-4 | £104,288 |
OF-5-3 | £102,633 |
OF-5-2 | £100,979 |
OF-5-1 | £100,979 |
Air Commodore (OF-6)
Air Commodores are senior officers within RAF groups.
An Air Commodore is a Flag Commissioned Officer rank in the RAF. It is equivalent to a Brigadier in the Army and a Commodore in the Royal Navy.
An Air Commodore is responsible for running the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.
Level | Salary |
OF-6-6 | £124,964 |
OF-6-5 | £123,759 |
OF-6-4 | £122,554 |
OF-6-3 | £121,349 |
OF-6-2 | £120,143 |
OF-6-1 | £120,143 |
Salary information on this page comes from the reports published by the Armed Forces Pay Review Body. You can find a link to this year’s report below, along with details of other key sources.
Armed Forces Pay Review Body Report